We are very excited to share that we have updated Game Plan with new modules and resources to help you on your club development journey!
The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) and Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) have come together to launch a free online safeguarding module to support community sporting clubs to keep their environments safe. To read the full release click here.
A new safeguarding module is now available in Game Plan and provides a suite of tools and resources to support a club’s ongoing development. This module gives clubs insights into their own safeguarding practices and access to the latest national and state specific resources to help them meet their safeguarding obligations.
Alongside the safeguarding module, the ASC has also launched a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion module which will help your club engage with people from all backgrounds.
These new modules replace the previous Safe & Inclusive module and provide more specific insights into these key areas.
How to access the new modules
- Login and review your club priorities from most important to least important.
- Assign the most relevant club leader to complete the assessment for the new modules and consider completing other priority area modules.
- Based on your results, develop your club action plan and utilise the resources available to support action by your club.
- Reach out to your support networks for assistance in successfully completing your plans. You may get support from other clubs in your networks, your state and national sporting organisation or local government sport and recreation team.
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